The Principles of Human Design 1. You are a unique being. The combination of who you are and why you are here is as unique as your finger prints. 2. It’s much easier to be who you really are than who you think you should be. 3. You are who you are and nothing can change that. You’re beautiful just as you are. 4. Human Design helps you remember who you are. You were born perfectly and nothing has changed. 5. Human Design is about making decisions that are right for you versus what’s right for anyone else. 6. You don’t need to be fixed. You’re perfect just the way you are. 7. You’re here for a reason. The world is waiting for the authentic you to emerge. 8. Human Design allows you to be the you you were born to be. You don’t need to take anything personally; it’s just energy. 9. If each one of us were living our unique Strategy, the world would be a lovely and very livable place. 10. You are designed to receive love and everything you need to survive. The Universe is always taking care of you by default, if you allow It. 11. Human Design is about Self-Awareness: getting to know yourself better so you can be happier, healthier, more prosperous and more fulfilled. 12. Things should flow easily when you’re living your design. There’s no pushing hard when you’re in the flow. Relationships, job offers, money, fulfillment will flow to you and through you naturally.