If brainstorming becomes 'blamestorming' by reason of time pressure or on account of pure laziness, the truth may be assaulted and unyieldingly vilified . Blamestorming becomes then downright a perfidious appeal to scapegoating with a torrent of frantic manhunts for 'culprits on duty'. ('Blamestorming')
Emotion is ‘recognition’. When treasured moments are identified in the jungle of our personal history during a visual or aural encounter, we capture magic sparks from our past, arousing flashes of insight and revealing an inner flare. These instants of recognition may kindle enthralling emotion and fulfilling inspiration. (“Those journeys of love”)
If happiness is a hardwired obsession in our brains, one should first and foremost learn to foster an upright quest for unvarnished wellbeing and above all not give in to vain temptations of displaying counterfeit contentment and fake smiling. (Digging for white gold »)