Beautifully Human We are all beautifully human. Sometimes we break, Sometimes we get angry, Sometimes we lose hope, But most importantly, We are still beautifully human. Vulnerable. Unique. Enduring. We are no less a person for our hurt.
In all that we lose, we rediscover a hidden part of ourselves. Loss is a road toward self discovery because it is only when we are stripped back to nothing, that we realise how truly valuable we are.
You cannot lose or choose to forget someone you loved Without first losing or denying a vital part of yourself We are all pieces of the same puzzle Connected by threads of love Each a mirror to what we hold onto And what we let go of
Rescue your heart when you feel you need to Choose to share it with those that value and appreciate everything you are And everything you are not. Hold your heart in your hands and cherish its riches. Love in its purest form comes without judgement or conditions, But you need to value your heart first so that others can love you there too.