I think I finally understand what it is that you experienced in our last moments together. The fear to resign yourself to a final belief greater than yourself. It is difficult to decide what cause to believe in because of the fear that it is a lesser unworthy cause, it is not the meaning but rather a symptom of looking for meaning. And in all of our attachments we long for them to have meaning no matter how long they last. It is a scary thing to create such a drastic action that changes your life. It requires more than faith, there will be a second where only the action and what Kierkegaard called the infinite movement would have to occur. The final dance.
Kings and Queens were once the rulers of lands, they did this under the supervision of God, their own rule was sanctioned by the divine right they were granted under these Gods. They themselves alone concluded that their lineage was supported by supremacy over others. By this they ruled over all people. Those who believed their stories. The Church supported the rulers who further established their respective religions. And so humans dared to dream and killed their Gods by killing their royalty. Exile was not enough, the only way their subservience would be eliminated was to murder without righteousness or virtue. If the apple is the symbol of knowledge then God wanted us to stay ignorant in order not to die itself.
It is funny to think our perceptions of the world change second to second as we continue to experience more of it. And that everyone is creating their own meaning and purpose with every second that they experience. It seems impossible not to get caught up, or lost, in those moments of constantly change and we as imperfect beings surely interpret our reality in false ways because no one can know the actual truth of the world only their perception of it. The actual truth of what is best for them is always an idea. The people that say that they live in the moment, as most people do, are often forgetting that the moment in the present should be used to progress. Successes and failures are only understood in moments in the future, based on the present, during moments of clarity in retrospect. For this reason, I think its important to forgive people in order to give ourselves freedom.