Best Bookstores in NYC – The Eccentric and the Popular
Books & Places July 22nd, 2020

Best Bookstores in NYC – The Eccentric and the Popular

The Big Apple has everything a book-loving traveler desires from a destination. The city promises some of the most fascinating literary sights, from the massive New York Public Library to the charm of stepping inside Edgar Allan Poe's house. Then there are the bookstores in NYC; quaint, personal, and in many cases, institutions making New York the hottest literary destination in the world. 
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Raghav Modi
Raghav Modi Writer
5 Dreamy Bookstores in Dublin You Need To Visit Soon!
Books & Places July 21st, 2020

5 Dreamy Bookstores in Dublin You Need To Visit Soon!

A city drenched in literary greatness, Dublin welcomes book lovers with open arms. Along the city’s winding streets, there are museums to explore, pubs to visit, and bookstores to discover.
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Raghav Modi
Raghav Modi Writer
A Conversation with William Kent Krueger
AMA Transcripts July 20th, 2020

A Conversation with William Kent Krueger

The NYT best-selling author William Kent Krueger joined us for an AMA last week. Our conversation explored his love for Minnesota, the spiritual struggles & conflicts at the heart of his stories, how he thinks the readership of mystery novels is evolving, the upcoming prequel to his popular Cork O'Connor series, as well as several other interesting topics.
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Raza Adil
Raza Adil Writer
How to get your kids to read more – 15 Creative Ways and Suggestions
Reading Tips, Trends and Ideas July 18th, 2020

How to get your kids to read more – 15 Creative Ways and Suggestions

The entire process of trying to get kids to read more will have triumphs and failures. Every child is different, brought up in a unique environment, all of which influence the way they approach learning. As parents, in the end, it is our responsibility to try various techniques and help establishing good reading habits in our children.
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Raghav Modi
Raghav Modi Writer
Five of the Very Best Bookstores in Sydney
Books & Places July 16th, 2020

Five of the Very Best Bookstores in Sydney

The best bookstores in Sydney are distinct in their disposition, highlighting and promoting the joy of reading in their unique ways. At the helm of these establishments are passionate booksellers, people who have taken their love for books to new heights, often working against economic hardships to keep alive these much-needed institutions that provide comfort and an escape to thousands of bibliophiles every day. A city with an avid book culture, Sydney bookstores will leave you in awe of their charming personas. 
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Raghav Modi
Raghav Modi Writer
Book Marketing Ideas and Tips for Authors
Trends and Ideas July 15th, 2020

Book Marketing Ideas and Tips for Authors

Gone are the days when the author's job was done once they turned in their final draft. Now, irrespective of whether it is a debut novel or one backed by a publishing house, marketing a book is almost as important as writing it.
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Raghav Modi
Raghav Modi Writer
Kamal Ravikant - The Full AMA Transcript
AMA Transcripts July 13th, 2020

Kamal Ravikant - The Full AMA Transcript

Last week, Silicon Valley entrepreneur and author Kamal Ravikant joined us for an Ask Me Anything inside the WSIRN community. There was much discussion about his journey to self-love, but we also dove into other interesting subjects, such as how he decides which companies to invest in, things that warm his heart and ignite his passion, his daily exercise & meditation routine, how to break free from the anxiety of failure, and his plans for an upcoming podcast. Here is the unabridged transcript of the event.
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Raza Adil
Raza Adil Writer
The Best Toronto Bookstores in Downtown and Nearby
Books & Places July 12th, 2020

The Best Toronto Bookstores in Downtown and Nearby

Toronto, a bustling metropolitan Canadian city, attracts book lovers with its modern and natural charm. The city's skyscrapers give it a dramatic feel while its waterside location and green spaces provide readers with perfect spots to stop and indulge in a book. However, the love for books comes across most prominently through the bookstores in Toronto. Hotspots for bibliophiles, there are several niche and independent booksellers in Toronto downtown, but also a few nearby that deserve a special mention.
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Raghav Modi
Raghav Modi Writer
Book Publishing Trends 2020
Trends and Ideas July 9th, 2020

Book Publishing Trends 2020

Book publishing trends 2020 have followed patterns similar to previous years, altering the course of what we read and how we perceive modern-day book culture. Whether these trends will become a permanent fixture over the years or fizzle out, as many trends do, we will simply have to wait and see.
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Raghav Modi
Raghav Modi Writer
5 of the Very Best Places to Read in Melbourne
Books & Places July 8th, 2020

5 of the Very Best Places to Read in Melbourne

A city with an exceptionally high student population, you are more than likely to come across people carrying books everywhere in Melbourne. Add to that the amalgamation of distinct cultures through its diverse residents, and it’s no wonder that Melbourne is a world-renowned literary destination worth exploring.
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Raghav Modi
Raghav Modi Writer

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